Non-Profit Partnership
"The Healthy Future"
is an independent
non-profit organization
that implements social,
educational and research
projects in healthcare.
Medical Lawyer: 8 (800) 100-48-14
Laboratory Diagnostics:
8 (800) 100-68-38
Clinical Patient Registries:
8 (800) 100-97-22
Toll free call!

"Russian physicians"

The nationwide social network the "Russian physicians" was created with the support of the RLS publishing group. It is the only Russia's social network for healthcare providers combined with RLS Medicines Compendium, which is used by over 90% of local HCPs in their clinical practice. The new web community is going to be a starting point for creating a comprehensive online database of medical knowledge presenting industry articles, clinical study data, reports from research conferences, and many more that may be of use for health professionals. Read more...

© Non-Profit Partnership «The Healthy Future», 2019
st. Trofimova, d. 16, of. 59, Moscow, 115432
+7 (495) 620 59 63