"Russian physicians"
The nationwide social network the "Russian physicians" was created with the support of the RLS publishing group. It is the only Russia's social network for healthcare providers combined with RLS Medicines Compendium, which is used by over 90% of local HCPs in their clinical practice. The new web community is going to be a starting point for creating a comprehensive online database of medical knowledge presenting industry articles, clinical study data, reports from research conferences, and many more that may be of use for health professionals. Read more...

Professional Psychotherapeutic League
Brings together professionals in psychotherapy and practical psychology. The world's largest Russian speaking professional community that unites practitioners from 28 countries. Read more...

Publishing House "Russian Doctor"
Was founded in 1995, is focusing on publishing medical and scientific literature for healthcare professionals. Read more...

Training Center "Cecile"
Offers CME programs for trainees and practitioners in neurology, dermatology, dentistry, radiology, neurosurgery and clinical lab diagnostics. Read more...

Society for Head and Neck Cancer
Unites healthcare professionals that practice in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of tumors of the head and neck and translating the advances of cancer research into clinical practice. Read more...

National Society for the Study of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders
Supports fundamental and clinical research of conditions associated with movement disorders; assists in the training of health professionals. Read more...

Multidisciplinary Society of Thoracoabdominal Surgeons
Is focused on improving health services for cancer patients. Read more...

Union of Pediatricians of Russia
Inter-regional professional association which promotes educational and research activities in the field of pediatrics. Read more...

Association of Rheumatologists of Russia
National public association bringing together rheumatologists from across Russia, which has 45 regional offices. Read more...

Endocrinology Research Center
The leading national institution conducting clinical research and offering diagnosis, treatment and support to endocrinology patients. Read more...

Research Center of Neurology
The leading medical research and educational center in the field of neurology; the WHO Regional Center for neurosciences. Read more...

ANPO "CO-operation Project"
National hotline service providing support for cancer patients (8-800-100-01-91). Toll free 24/7 across Russia. Read more...

Web-portal for patients with diabetes and practitioners
Provides reliable information on diabetes to patients and healthcare providers. The key services include: feedback, "order a call" service, social network for physicians and videos from specialized events. Read more...
Medical Society for the Treatment of Neuroendocrine Tumors (MOLNEO)
The primary goal of the Society is improving diagnosis and treatment of patients with neoplasms in Russia. Read more...

Professional online community for Russian speaking healthcare providers which makes possible effective communication, sharing clinical experiences and discussing professional issues. Read more...
Educational web-portal www.cmedu.ru for practitioners designed for distance learning, live broadcasts of industry conferences, symposia, roundtables and webinars. Read more...

Vrachi Vmeste
Social network for Russian physicians where they can learn about upcoming medical conferences, get information about vacancies, share professional experiences, watch videos and read reports from industry events and interviews with experts in the field. Read more...

International Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education
Non-profit organization operating with a support of the European Medical Center and the Moscow Health Department. Read more...

Development and production of glucose monitoring technology.

Russian web-portal providing psychological support for patients with cancer and their families. Read more...

International Center for Patients with Orphan Diseases "Rare People"
Helping patients with orphan diseases, including protection of patients’ rights and legitimate interests; charitable activities. Read more...

Association of Professional Organizers of Hospice Care
Palliative care for patients with severe conditions such as cancer, neurological and genetic disorders, and severe injuries. Read more...